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Course Featured Item

English for Parents Stage 1


Mellor Community Primary School


Day of the week:

Starting Date:

Ending Date:

13:00 - 15:00

6 weeks

Your Course fees may be reduced based on individual circumstances. For further guidance, please refer to the funding rules or speak to a member of staff.

Enrol now

This course has been designed to support you to understand how to help your child at school and to develop your skills in speaking and listening in English. The course is suitable for learners whose first language is not English and will help learners who are new to English who want to improve their skills to help their child’s learning. The tutor will adapt the learning activities to suit all abilities and needs during the course.

This course will support you to: Understand different ways to support your child’s English language development. Be more confident in supporting your child at school. Practise in speaking in English so you feel more confident talking to your child’s teacher. Creating activities and games to support learning English together at home.

You are assessed in class by the tutor and by your own self- assessment of topics. You will be given an initial assessment to determine your starting point so you and your tutor can track your progress through the course. Your tutor will give you feedback and suggest ways in which you can develop your skills and help your child’s learning at home. So that you can be successful in completing the course we do require that you arrive promptly for each lesson, and that you try to attend 100% of the course.

There are no formal entry requirements for Family Learning courses. All Family Learning courses are free to learners.

This could be other Family Learning courses at your child’s school or local community venue, or classes at Leicester Adult Education College or Bishopdale centre. The Learner Recruitment and Welfare Officer and your tutor can guide you in making choices for your next steps. Thinking about your future in education or in employment but not sure where to start? Leicester Adult Education are pleased to offer a free, impartial in-house careers service to support our learners to make decisions around their future career goals and choices. We have physical and digital resources available to support you and face to face careers appointments with our qualified and experienced adviser. If you are unemployed or at risk of redundancy, our range of free employability courses can provide you with the skills you need to secure future employment.

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