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Pay as you Go Pottery

Our Pay as you Go Pottery sessions aim to provide learners with the opportunity to try a broad range of ceramic techniques and processes whilst working at their individual pace and level.

Booking is on Eventbrite.

Our Pay as you Go Pottery sessions give you the opportunity to try a broad range of ceramic techniques and processes whilst working at your individual pace and level. These sessions are a great opportunity to try new things, develop skills, and express individual creativity in a relaxed friendly studio environment.

Our Pay as you Go sessions are not structured, and projects are self-set by the individual, but an experienced potter or artist will always be on site to provide guidance and support. This approach means that you can do your artwork at a time that suits you, taking as long as you want to and allows you to be as adventurous as you would like.

At the moment, we ask learners to book their place on Eventbrite. Places for the following week's session become available the Saturday before. All the details can be found on our Eventbrite profile. 

Book your place on Eventbrite

Learner Story: Karen - Pottery Improved my Wellbeing

Learner, Karen's, artwork. Pottery Fox.

Karen is one of our regular Pay as you Go learners, as well as attending our set Pottery and Jewellery courses. You can see one of her art pieces above.

“I can personally vouch for the huge support both classes and workshops have been on my wellbeing whilst undergoing treatment for cancer and the isolation of caring for my disabled Mother.”

We're really glad that our courses have been their to support Karen. You never know the ways that courses can help people, with many different things. 

“The Pay as you go Pottery workshops have allowed me to put into use techniques learned classes and expand on them and explore new techniques fully supported by excellent tutors in a pleasant environment with like-minded students”