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Published: 31 May 2023

Volunteers' Week 2023

Volunteers’ week is an annual celebration by The National Council for Voluntary Organisations. Learn more about volunteering and how you can volunteer with us.

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Volunteers’ week is an annual celebration by The National Council for Voluntary Organisations. NCVO are currently celebrating their 39th year of Volunteers’ week. 2023’s theme is to celebrate and inspire!

Volunteers’ week is an opportunity to celebrate the contributions and commitment that volunteers make to their communities. NCVO and Volunteers’ week also aim to highlight the diversity in volunteering and to showcase the many ways that you can get involved. You can learn more about NCVO’s Volunteers’ week on their website.

Why should you volunteer?

We asked Dan, our Careers Leader, to share the reasons why volunteering is not only great for your community, but also for you! Here’s the personal benefits of volunteering that Dan shared with us:

  • Learn new skills
  • Boost your CV
  • Practice your current skills – English, customer service skills, IT, maths, admin & finance
  • Experience different workplaces
  • Network with new people in many different job roles
  • Receive training
  • Improve your confidence and personal growth

Learner Testimony – Volunteering has helped improved by mental health!

Recently, Dan heard back from one of our learners that had a 1-2-1 session with Dan. Following the session, the learner has now started a local volunteering position and is now on course to become a support worker!

“I found it incredibly helpful to be able to talk through all my anxieties about work. I came away feeling like I’d made a positive start towards something else, and it felt like a relief really. Your advice has helped me to make significant changes in my career path and I am feeling infinitely happier. I cannot tell you how much difference this has made to my mental health and general wellbeing. So, thank you!”

Volunteer at Food Bank

Leicester Organisations

Here's a list of organisations that can help you either find volunteering positions or have opportunities available:

Did you know that you can volunteer with us? 

We are currently offering the opportunity for people to volunteer in our classrooms! Would you like to gain real classroom experience with adult learners? Then apply today! You can learn more on the Council's website.

So, what will you do this Volunteers’ Week?

We hope everyone feels celebrated and inspired!